Netherlandish Proverbs: Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1559 (Staatliche Museen, Berlin)
From the proverb speaks a noli me tangere of experience.
With this, it proclaims its ability to transform experience into tradition. Proverbs cannot be applied to situations. Instead, they have a kind of magical character: they transform the situation. It is scarcely within the powers of the individual to purify the lessons of his life completely by purging them of his particular experience. But the proverb can do this by taking possession of them.
It turns the lesson that has been experienced into a wave in the living chain of innumerable lessons that flow down from eternity.
Jean Paulhan: Expérience du proverbe.
Walter Benjamin, On Proverbs, c. 1932, translated by Rodney Livingstone in Selected Writings, vol. 2, eds. Michael W. Jennings, Howard Eiland, and Gary Smith, 1999
In fact, one might go on and ask oneself whether the relationship of the storyteller to his material, human life, is not in itself a craftsman's relationship -- whether it is not his very task to fashion the raw material of experience, his own and that of others, in a solid, useful, and unique way. It is a kind of procedure which may perhaps most adequately be exemplified by the proverb, if one thinks of this as an ideogram of a story. A proverb, one might say, is a ruin which stands on the site of an old story and in which a moral twines about a happening like ivy around a wall.
Walter Benjamin: The Storyteller, first published in Orient and Occident, October 1936, translated by Harry Zohn in Selected Writings, vol. 3, eds. Michael W. Jennings and Howard Eiland, 2002
With this, it proclaims its ability to transform experience into tradition. Proverbs cannot be applied to situations. Instead, they have a kind of magical character: they transform the situation. It is scarcely within the powers of the individual to purify the lessons of his life completely by purging them of his particular experience. But the proverb can do this by taking possession of them.
It turns the lesson that has been experienced into a wave in the living chain of innumerable lessons that flow down from eternity.
Jean Paulhan: Expérience du proverbe.
Walter Benjamin, On Proverbs, c. 1932, translated by Rodney Livingstone in Selected Writings, vol. 2, eds. Michael W. Jennings, Howard Eiland, and Gary Smith, 1999
In fact, one might go on and ask oneself whether the relationship of the storyteller to his material, human life, is not in itself a craftsman's relationship -- whether it is not his very task to fashion the raw material of experience, his own and that of others, in a solid, useful, and unique way. It is a kind of procedure which may perhaps most adequately be exemplified by the proverb, if one thinks of this as an ideogram of a story. A proverb, one might say, is a ruin which stands on the site of an old story and in which a moral twines about a happening like ivy around a wall.
Walter Benjamin: The Storyteller, first published in Orient and Occident, October 1936, translated by Harry Zohn in Selected Writings, vol. 3, eds. Michael W. Jennings and Howard Eiland, 2002
The point of view might be phrased in this way: Proverbs are strategies for dealing with situations. In so far as situations are typical and recurrent in a given social structure, people develop names for them and strategies for handling them. Another name for strategies might be attitudes.
A work like Madame Bovary (or its homely American translation, Babbitt) is the strategic naming of a situation. It singles out a pattern of experience that is sufficiently representative of our social structure, that recurs sufficiently often mutandis mutatis, for people to ‘need a word for it’ and to adopt an attitude towards it. Each work of art is the addition of a word to an informal dictionary.
Art forms like ‘tragedy’ or ‘comedy’ or ‘satire’ would be treated as equipments for living, that size up situations in various ways and in keeping with correspondingly various attitudes.
Kenneth Burke, Literature as Equipment for Living, 1938 in The Philosophy of Literary Form: Studies in Symbolic Action, 1941A work like Madame Bovary (or its homely American translation, Babbitt) is the strategic naming of a situation. It singles out a pattern of experience that is sufficiently representative of our social structure, that recurs sufficiently often mutandis mutatis, for people to ‘need a word for it’ and to adopt an attitude towards it. Each work of art is the addition of a word to an informal dictionary.
Art forms like ‘tragedy’ or ‘comedy’ or ‘satire’ would be treated as equipments for living, that size up situations in various ways and in keeping with correspondingly various attitudes.
Netherlandish Proverbs (detail): Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1559 (Staatliche Museen, Berlin)
(left) To pull to get the longest end
(center) Love is on the side where the money bag hangs
(lower left) He who has spilt his porridge cannot scrape it all up again
(right) To barely be able to reach from one loaf to the other
(on table) A hoe without a handle
(under table) To look for the hatchet / Here he is with his lantern
To even be able to tie the devil to a pillow
To be a pillar-biter
To bang one's head against a brick wall
One foot shod, the other bare
To bell the cat / To be armed to the teeth / To put your armor on
To fry the whole herring for the sake of the roe / To get the lid on the head
To sit between two stools in the ashes
To be a hen feeler
It depends on the fall of the cards
The world is turned upside down
Leave at least one egg in the nest
To lead each other by the nose
The die is cast
To look through one's fingers
To have the roof tiled with tarts
To shoot a second bolt to find the first
The roof has lathes
To have a toothache behind the ears / To be pissing against the moon / Here hangs the pot
To shave the fool without lather / Two fools under one hood
It grows out of the window
To play on the pillory
Where the gate is open the pigs will run into the corn / Where the corn decreases the pig increases
To run like one's backside is on fire / He who eats fire craps sparks
To toss feathers in the wind
To gaze at the stork
To want to kill two flies with one stroke
To fall from the ox onto the rear end of the ass
To kiss the ring of the door / To wipe one's backside on the door
To fish behind the net
Big fish eat little fish
To be unable to see the sun shine on the water
It hangs like a privy over a ditch / They both crap in the same hole
To throw one's money into the water
A wall with cracks will soon collapse
To not care whose house is on fire as long as one can warm oneself at the blaze
To drag the block
Horse droppings are not figs
If the blind lead the blind both will fall into the ditch
Everything, however finely spun, finally comes to the sun
To keep one's eye on the sail
To crap on the gallows
Who knows why geese go barefoot?
To see bears dancing / Wild bears prefer each other's company
To throw one's cowl over the fence
It is ill to swim against the stream
The pitcher goes to the water until it finally breaks / The broadest straps are cut from someone else's leather
To fall through the basket / To be suspended between heaven and earth
To take the hen's egg and let the goose's egg go
Love is on the side where the money bag hangs
To tie a flaxen beard to the face of Christ
To have to stoop to get on in the world
To cast roses before swine
To fill the well after the calf has already drowned
To be as tame as a lamb
She puts the blue cloak on her husband
Watch out that a black dog does not come in between
One winds on the distaff what the other spins
To carry the day out in baskets
To hold a candle to the Devil
To confess to the Devil
The pig is stabbed through the belly
Two dogs over one bone seldom agree
What is the good of a beautiful plate when there is nothing on it?
The fox and the crane entertain each other
To blow in the ear
To be chalked up for someone
The meat on the spit must be basted
There is no turning the spit with him
To catch fish without a net
Netherlandish Proverbs (detail): Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1559 (Staatliche Museen, Berlin)
Netherlandish Proverbs (detail): Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1559 (Staatliche Museen, Berlin)
Netherlandish Proverbs (detail): Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1559 (Staatliche Museen, Berlin)
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