Edward Dorn: After Ore / William Henry Jackson: Hydraulic Mining, Madison County, Montana, 1871


Hydraulic mining in Alder Gulch, near Virginia City. Madison County, Montana. 1872.

Hydraulic mining in Alder Gulch, near Virginia City. Madison County, Montana, 1872

So he goes anywhere apparently

anywhere and space is muddied

with his tracks

for ore he is only after,

after ore.

Hydraulic mining near Virginia City. Alder Gulch is 16 miles in length, rising in the mountains near Madison river at an altitude of 7,500 feet. The view shows the manner of washing away the sides of the gulch into the sluice-boxes, where the gold is collected. Madison County, Montana. 1871.

Hydraulic mining near Virginia City. Alder Gulch is 16 miles in length, rising in the mountains near Madison river at an altitude of 7,500 feet. The view shows the manner of washing away the sides of the gulch into the sluice-boxes, where the gold is collected. Madison County, Montana, 1871

Hydraulic mining near Virginia City. Alder Gulch is 16 miles in length, rising in the mountains near Madison River at an altitude of 7,500 feet. A flume is laid upon the bedrock, in the bottom of the gulch, and the waters of the creek brought through it, carrying with its current the auriferous sands. Madison County, Montana. 1871.

Hydraulic mining near Virginia City. Alder Gulch is 16 miles in length, rising in the mountains near Madison River at an altitude of 7,500 feet. A flume is laid upon the bedrock, in the bottom of the gulch, and the waters of the creek brought through it, carrying with its current the auriferous sands. Madison County, Montana, 1871

"So he goes anywhere...": Edward Dorn: Idaho Out (excerpt), 1965

Photos by William Henry Jackson from United States Geological Surveys (U. S. Geological Survey Photographic Library)

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