Belgian Red Cross: Charles Buchel, printed by Johnson, Riddle & Co., Ltd., London, S.E., 1915
Help: D.H. Souter. for Australian Red Cross Society, printed by William Brooks & Co., Ltd. Litho, Sydney, between 1914 and 1918
"Were YOU there then?" : Harry J. Weston, 1916
Gold zerschlächt Eisen. Bringt eurer Gold zur Goldankaufstelle: Julius Diez, published by E. Nister, Nürnberg, 1916
Woman your country needs you: artist unknown, 1917
Achetez le timbre antituberculeux: Vilá, published by Imp. des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1917
It's up to you -- Protect the nation's honor, enlist now: Schneck, for Associated Motion Picture Advertisers, published by Acme Litho. Co., New York [191-]
America calls -- enlist in the Navy: J.C. Leyendecker, 1917
Allgemeine Wäschesammlung: Franz Griessler, published by Paul Gerin, Wien, 1917
Pour la liberté du monde. Souscrivez á l'emprunt national á la Banque Nationale de Crédit: Sem, published by Imp. Devambez, Paris, 1917
Zeichnet 7. Kriegsanleihe: Thomas Fasche, published by K. u. K. Hofleiferant, J. Weiner, Wien, 1917
Pour le drapeau! Pour la victoire! Souscrivez à l'emprunt national . . . Banque nationale de crédit: Georges Bertin Scott, published by Devambez, Paris, 1917
Wake up America! Civilization calls every man, woman and child!: James Montgomery Flagg, published by The Hegeman Print, New York, 1917
Emblem of Italy: Edwin Holland Blashfield, published by M. Rusling Wood Litho., New York, 1917
Journée de Paris...: Francisque Poulbot, published by Imp. H. Chachoin, Paris, 14 Juillet 1917
Emblem of Great Britain and France: Edwin Holland Blashfield, published by M. Rusling Wood Litho., New York, 1917
Hero land! Grand Central Palace, Nov. 24 - Dec. 12. Admission 50 cents: Jean Bonnerot, Paris, 1917
You can help -- American Red Cross: W. T. Benda, 1918
Bolshewismus bringt Krieg, Arbeitslosigkeit und Hungersnot. Vereinigung zur Bekämpfung des Bolshewismus: Walter Schnackenberg, published by Kunstanstalt O. Consée, München, Dez. [December] 1918
For you -- they are giving their lives over there -- For them -- you must give every cent you can spare: Charles William Bartlett, published by Hawaiian Gazette Co., Ltd., Engravers & Printers, 1918
Clear-the-way!! Buy bonds -- Fourth liberty loan: Howard Chandler Christy, [191-]
Zeichnet 8. Kriegsanleihe: by R. K., published by K. u. K. Hofleiferant, J. Weiner, Wien, 1918
Every girl pulling for victory -- Victory Girls United War Work Campaign: Edward Penfield, 1918
The government asks you to do your Xmas shopping early -- Do it now: Haskell Coffin, published by American Lithographic Co., New York, 1918
Zeichtnet die Neunte! Es geht un Alles was wir lieben!: Lucian Bernhard, published by Fritz Schneller & Co, Nürnberg, 1918
Finalmente!!: Leopold Metlicovitz, published by G. Riccordi & Co, Milano, 1918
[Woman carrying a red flag]: Rudolf W. Heinisch, published by Kornsand & Co., Frankfurt am Main, 1918
Porte plume 'Ideal' Waterman l'arme de la paix: Eugène Ogé, published by Vercasson, Paris, 1919
Kriegsgefangenenhilfe. Deutsches Hilfswerk für die Kriegs und Zivilgefangenen: Walter Ditz, published by Kunstanstalt O. Consée, München, 1919
Emprunt National 1920. Souscrivez. Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas: Francisque Poulbot, published by H. Chacoin, Paris, 1920
Douaumont Ossuary, a cemetery for French and German soldiers who died during the battle of Verdun, 1916. 250,000 men died at Verdun. The ossuary contains the skeletal remains of at least 130,000 unidentified combatants: photo by Duhjeroen, 28 August 2006
37.5 million died in the First World War.
Posters from Division of Prints & Photographs, Library of Congress
Posters from Division of Prints & Photographs, Library of Congress
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