Sons of Negro tenant farmer go off visiting on Saturday afternoon. Granville County, North Carolina
Good tobacco, cropped and ready for priming. Granville County, North Carolina
Families stringing tobacco brought in from the field by sled. Granville County, North Carolina
Tobacco strung on sticks. Granville County, North Carolina
Coming out of tobacco barn in which tobacco is being cured. Careful check of temperature must be made. Granville County, North Carolina
Tobacco people take it easy after their morning's work of "putting up" tobacco. Granville County, North Carolina
Ten year old son of tobacco sharecropper can do a "hand's work" at tobacco harvest time. Granville County, North Carolina
Eight year old daughter who helps about the tobacco barn and takes care of the baby. Granville County, North Carolina
Dirt road. Earth is red-colored clay mud. Granville County, North Carolina
Crossroads hamlet after a rain. Culbreth, Granville County, North Carolina
Wife and five month old baby of young tobacco sharecropper (Mr. Taylor) in window of their home. She is seventeen years old. On the following day she helped "put in" tobacco at the farm. Granville County, North Carolina
Home of Negro tenant farmer. The right half was built hurriedly after the tornado in 1900 which destroyed all the houses in the section. The last half was built later. One of the daughters has come to the doorway, the rest are hiding. Granville County, North Carolina
Putting in tobacco after the morning work. Shoofly, North Carolina
Colored sharecropper and his children about to leave home through the pine woods after their morning work at the tobacco farm stringing and putting up tobacco. Shoofly, Granville County, North Carolina
Noontime chores: feeding chickens on Negro tenant farm. Granville County, North Carolina
Noontime chores on Negro tenant farm. The grandfather and children off to feed the pigs. Granville County, North Carolina
Noontime. Son and grandson of tenant farmer bring in the mules to water at noon. Granville County, North Carolina
Noontime chores. Mules are brought in from the field and watered at well across the road from the house. Granville County, North Carolina
Country filling station owned and operated by tobacco farmer. Such small independent stations have become meeting places and loafing spots for neighborhood farmers in their off times. Granville County, North Carolina
Country filling station owned and operated by tobacco farmer. Such small independent stations have become meeting places (community center) and loading spots for neighborhood farmers in their off times. Granville County, North Carolina
Oxford, Granville County, North Carolina. Small agricultural center. Note everpresent Confederate monument, and calf in a two horse wagon
Photos by Dorothea Lange, July 1937, from Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Collection, Library of Congress
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